Definition and Types of Screws - Hawk Plant

Definition and Types of Screws

Definition and Types of Screws

When the long vertical edge of a right triangle is wound around its base, a hypotenuse of the triangle forms a helical line on the cylinder. This is called a profile screw, which will occur if the channel is opened at equal intervals along the Helix line on the cylinder in triangular, square, trapezoidal, etc. Screws are the machine elements that have been put into daily life in all areas as the parts forming the threaded parts of the connecting elements. Screws are made in various profiles in terms of the importance of the function they see. Screws according to their profile can be listed like below; Triangle Screws, Trapezoidal Screws, Square Screws, Saw Screws, Round Screws. However, these bolts are not made by hand and are produced automatically in special machines. There are also wood and hair screws in different profiles.

What is Washer Screw?

In this part of article “what is washer screw?” question is explained. The soil in the materials obtained from the creek bed is used for the separation of impurities in the 0-5 mm broken stones and to obtain the washed product. Washer screws are used to prevent sand from sliding together with water. According to washer screws capacities, spiral cleaners are offered to customers as single and double spirals. After the subsidence of the washed material to the base, this material is drained by the spiral helix leaves and discharged through the discharge grooves. Water and sludge come out of their own channels. Spiral sheets are made of high quality sheet, then these sheets are covered with rubber to prevent wear. Moreover, these coated rubbers are removable and wearable. It has high capacity and it is designed to minimize leakage during washing of the high polluted minerals which are have to be washed.